Synopsis: Akago is a red goldfish able to change into a girl who possesses a pure and sensuous side. She lives with an old male writer whom she calls “Ojisama”. One day, the ghost of Yuriko Tamura, a woman the writer knew in the past, appears.
Title..........: Bitter Honey (2016) Native Title...: 蜜のあわれ Other Titles...: Mitsu no Aware Release date...: April 1, 2016 Language.......: Japanese Container......: mp4 Screenshot.....: View Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p || 720p File Size......: 364mb || 1.0gb
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Views:1,596 views
Quality: HD
Year: 2016
Duration: 109 Min
Director:Ishii Gakuryu