Synopsis: Richard (Steve Holmes) is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his stepdaughter, Natalie (Vanna Bardot). She’s moving in for the summer but he hasn’t been around Natalie since the wedding. With his wife out of town, he’ll have to make Natalie feel at home completely on his own. After a rocky start with her, it’s almost like Natalie WANTS him to see her in a sexual light. Doug Hamilton (Nathan Bronson) works for his stepfather and boss, Ed Hamilton (Derrick Pierce). Ed orders Doug to shadow him all day, and do what he does. When Ed’s secretary Becky (Whitney Wright) arrives in the office, Ed tells her that she KNOWS what to do and she obediently gets on her knees. Doug is shocked but Ed reminds him that he’s supposed to be shadowing him all day, and doing EVERYTHING that he does
Title..........: Deny It All You Want (2022) Release date...: Jun 29 2022 Language.......: English Studio.........: Pure Taboo Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p || 720p File Size......: 390mb || 712mb