Sara (Lily Bell) is a film student working on a documentary about a group that focuses on “soulmates.” This group seems like a cult just preying upon innocent people but their views do inspire love in their followers. Will Sara lose sight of reason and pursue her professor, a married man, because the cult tells her to, or will she keep that relationship strictly professional.
Title..........: The Mistress 5 (2022) Release date...: Aug 31 2022 Language.......: English Studio.........: Sweet Sinner Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p || 720p File Size......: 545mb || 740mb
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Views:1,670 views
Genre: Romance
Quality: HD
Year: 2022
Duration: 108 Min
Country:United States
Director:Jacky St. James