Synopsis: A terrified babysitter endures a harrowing home invasion, only to discover her nightmare has just begun when she disobeys her attacker’s command not to report the crime to the police. Later, when the maniac returns to make good on his threat, the babysitter realizes he’ll stop at nothing to make her pay for her insolence.
Title..........: I Told You Not to Call the Police (2010) Release date...: 1 January 2010 Language.......: English Studio.........: Bill Zebub Productions Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p File Size......: 300mb
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Tagline:Some Girls Never Learn.
Genre: Horror
Quality: SD
Year: 2010
Duration: 108 Min
Country:United States
Director:Bill Zebub